What We Do
Discover Now Why People Come With Kindco

Years Of Experience
About Us
We Learn Smart Way To Build Bright Futute For Your Children
Your child is growing up fast and ready for a little more independence, our pre school club will be a perfect introduction.

Latest Program
We Provide Awesome Program To Build Bright Future
- по дог.
Занятия творчеством
Дети познакомятся с уникальными творческими техниками:
рисование, бумагопластика, дизайн, лепка, мозайка, декупаж, флористика, оригами и много-многое другое!
В увлекательной форме, полностью адаптированной для детей, наш педагог по творчеству поможет детям открыть в себе новые таланты и возможности!
- 4+
- от 450 р.
- вт, чт
- 18-00 до 19-30
Интерактивные погружения’ KIDS
Интерактивные погружения на различные тематики для самых маленьких. Расскажем о сложном - простыми словами, доступно,интересно и увлекательно!
- 4 - 6 лет
- 650 р.
- групповые
- по расписанию
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Student Enroll
Student Enroll
Expert Teacher
Years Experience

Who we are
25 Years Of Experience In Education! Provide Awesome Features
With a wide range of activities including arts and crafts, imaginative play and physical activities, our staff will engage with your children.

Arts & Drawing

Special Education

Digital Laboratory

Special Education

Parents Feedback
What Parents Say About Our Kinco Kindergarten

“ On the other hand denounce with right eouses
indignation and dislike men who are so beguiledec
and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of
the moment”

Bradley Y. Grimes
Senior Manager

“ On the other hand denounce with right eouses
indignation and dislike men who are so beguiledec
and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of
the moment”

Ronaldo D.Lima

“ On the other hand denounce with right eouses
indignation and dislike men who are so beguiledec
and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of
the moment”

Roberto Carlos
Senior Manager

“ On the other hand denounce with right eouses
indignation and dislike men who are so beguiledec
and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of
the moment”

Leo Kane
Senior Manager
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